The Arizona Memorial was very sobering to visit as you realize you are standing on top of the final resting place of 1177 members of her crew. The wall of names has several people with the last names, brothers and in one case, father and son.
We were the only ones out there, no other visitors, just my group of 30ish people. You can see from the flag that the wind was rather strong, so the water was a little choppy and you really couldn't see much under the water.
While in Hawai'i the one thing everyone seems to want to do is go to a Luau, which we did. It was a lot of fun and the kalua pig they served was delicious. The two guys in the picture are about to dig the pig out of the pit.
The reseverations I made for the family are at a hotel right on the beach. The picture of me with Diamond Head in the background are taken from the beach in front of the hotel. Actually that's not entirely true, I had to walk 300 yards from the hotel where the Luau was to the jetty to take this picture.
You're a hottie. Next time take me with you.
These pictures give me chills. Eric's grandfather was there a week after Pearl Harbor and has shared stories and photos with us. So sad!
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