Friday, September 26, 2008

Halloween already???

I don't know parents with multiple children do Halloween. I swear these costumes get more expensive every year. I am not talented with a needle and thread so there's no way I could make a costume and I have no creative talents in that sphere to come up with something on my own. Not to mention, At least it's done and it's not even October yet. YIPPY!! I have had Star Wars action figures running all over my house lately shooting nerf guns. I hate those guns. Why Chris? Why, did you have to buy those guns????


Malisa said...

Why oh why don't we live closer?!?! My kids are going as Cam-Yoda and Jaiden-Obe Won, they would be cute together! *pouts*

And yes they are expensive but at least we got it done before October! Yea us!!

The Otis Family said...

We could have our own little "star wars" fraternity. I guess Clint will just have to become a B-52 pilot once you're done in Germany. Louisiana's not as fun as SA but the hurricanes keep family away. :)

Hillary said...

Awesome! Now, if my Nathan can just figure out what he wants to be...

The Addams Family said...

He looks pretty menacing to me!