Thursday, September 18, 2008

Who is that???

So the USAF in it infinite wisdom has decreed that on Monday's everyone will wear their blue uniform. Now you may think so what's the big deal? As a pilot, I think I could count on two hands the number of times Chris has worn his "blues" . He is not happy about this. The guys were told on Friday around lunch time to make sure they were "properly" dressed come Monday morning. As you can imagine there was a flurry of activity at the military clothing and sells and oops...there weren't enough uniforms or rank to meet the demand. Lucky (or unlucky as the case may be) Chris had actually bought major rank right after he'd pinned on so he was good to go. I think he's going to try to make sure he flies every Monday so he can wear his flight suit.

1 comment:

Malisa said...

Ya I think that was a problem everywhere! It would have been nice if they gave a little warning but you know...military and all.