Sunday, January 10, 2010

Stupid, stupid blog

For whatever reason my computer won't download pics from our new camera to our blog. I am so frustrated about it you only get words. AHHHHH!!!!!

Our good friends the Leonard's have just moved from Germany back to the states. It just so happens that they are only 4 hours away in Little Rock. We have missed them SO much that we drove up there while everyone had a weekend off of work. The boys went bowling and jumping on the trampoline while the ladies went to the spa. We were spoiled with massages, facials, lunch, pedi/manis. What a great way to spend the weekend. We want to thank the Leonard for allowing us to crash at there house and for the ambien. :)-

Then the other night Chris came busting into the house jabbering about having to hurry. I couldn't imagine what he was late for. When he came back about 30 minutes later I asked him what the big rush was. Well, A fountain down the road was in the process of freezing, due to our really cold temps, and he was "losing the light" to take pictures. They are actually pretty cool pics but I CAN'T download the stupid things. After 5 tries I give up. If I keep trying the computer may find itself on the front lawn via the front windown.

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