One of the parents of the team decided to host the end of season party at the pool in there backyard.

One of the parents from the team decided to host the end of season party at the pool in their backyard. Considering there were 21 boys on the team you couldn't PAY me enough money to have all those boys at my house. It went very well though. The boys stayed outside the whole time enjoying the heat. The parents melted. It has been so hot and humid. The boys had a 9am game and then a 2pm pool party.

Throw in

Nate scored another goal this game. I think he scored 4 or 5 this year. He was so happy to pay forward more often. Personally, I think he's a go-getter. But then I am his Mom and completely biased.
I fully expected to see Chris taking control of the pool party!
I fully expected Chris to be taking over the pool party.
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