Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Crappy Day

My crappy day really did start out okay. I was leaving for work when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. What could it be? Of course, it's a snake warming itself on my front doorstep. Scream, but it climbs in between the house and the brick fascade. Great. Go to work. Things are going pretty well. Come home after a massage and I'm taking off my shoes when I look down. I think, Did Chris leave a rope on the floor. Hmmm, interesting. Ropes don't move. Yep, it's my snake from this morning hanging out under one of my kitchen cabinets. Scream again. Chris luckily is home. He gets the snake in a plastic container but doesn't cover it. Snake gets out. Now we have to capture snake again.
Chris has decided not to kill it. Dumb move. As he's walking out the door he's going to let it free in our front yard. Nope. Make him walk to the end of the road where there is an open field. It can live there.
I am now walking around the house mumbling to myself about the fact there was a snake in my domain. Chris and I head to Home Depot for snake deterant. Spread it ALL around the house outside. What does Chris find? Why of course, it's another, bigger snake hanging around on the side of the house. Why does he tell me this? I have NO idea. He tries to catch it but it runs off.
Still mumbling to myself, "Why did it have to be snakes?"
Finally, calm down enough I'm going to get my PJs on. I hang my PJs on my closet door. As I'm pulling them down an XL ant (huge really) falls out of my clothes onto the floor. Day is really getting good. I've decided I can't wear those PJs, time for new one. Head out to the living room. Maybe if I watch some tv I'll be able to take my mind off this adventureous day. Nope, 2 spiders are doing the 100 dash across my floor. Squash those. Ha, they can't even scare me on a day like today.
I am heading to bed. Walk into my room feeling like maybe I'll sleep without nightmares when I turn on the light. You have GOT to be kidding me. Coachroach climbing my bedroom wall right over my BED. Chris kills and flushed down toliet.
Now you may think, Kaye, get some pest control. Just so happens I have Terminix come and spray. Guess what? They are coming AGAIN today to spray again. The weather has been so hot and there is no water anywhere that everything wants a cool, dark place to hang out this summer. It doesn't help I have a bayou in my backyard behind my fence. Right now, I HATE Louisiana.


Carrie said...

I'm so sorry!! That does stink. I've heard try mothballs. Thanks for noticing my typing error on my blog. There was one snake with 13 rattles. Oh well, 13 rattle snakes is a much better story.:)

whippetmom said...

Andrew just showed me your blog- Glad someone else is having all the bug problems too!! We've had spiders galore!

Malisa said...

I think that I have never been so glad Clint picked C130s. I know you well enough to know that you probably sprayed before you even moved in so that sounds like a problem I would not handle well.

eNJay & B said...

Norma would catch those snakes for you if she were there. B

Sparks said...

Oh yuck! I can handle the spiders but SNAKES!