I know that the pics are pretty much the same but I don't have much else to blog about. School has pretty much taken over our lives right now. Nathan "gets" to wear uniforms this year. (that's something my Dad always said. You GET to you don't HAVE too.) He was not excited about that one at all. It seems to be working out okay. We had an Open House Sunday afternoon where we got to meet the teacher. Since there are 33 kids in his class there wasn't much one-on-one time with the teacher though. I cant believe how many kids are in the classrooms here. It's CRAZY!!!
He was a good sport about getting his picture taken. These are for future generations.
The first day of school I took Nate to school but the bus picks up/drops off right in front of our house. AWESOME huh? We had to huddle in the garage today since it was raining. Something about the remenants of Hurricane Fey coming up to visit us. On the first day of school Nathan had spelling homework. He was suppose to write 25 words 3x in cursive. This is bad. In his previous school they didn't do anything in cursive. After an hour of him having a MAJOR tissy fit (and only writing 6 words) I lost my cool. (I did last an hour though before I went completely ballistic) What you have to understand is we live in a cave and all sound is hugely magnified. I guess I made my point heard though cause all belly-aching stopped immediately. I think I just hurt his ears to be honest.
He's funny like that. He can lose his temper but if Mom does it freaks him out. Why is it that patience doesn't work with this kid. He gets so spun up that he literally has to be shocked out of it. I guess me losing it was the shock value.
1 comment:
Oh my gosh! Jaiden is the same way. I can be nice and ask calmly a thousand times but if I get upset he will usually jump to action.
Oh and Clintism had me cracking up by the way!
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