Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day Feb 4, 2011

Honestly, I didn't think we were going to get ANYTHING. They had canceled school by 5pm. Seemed a bit early to me since there wasn't anything that actually fell from the sky until about midnight. Chris kept getting phone calls from work. 3:56am, 3:58am, 6:28am, 7:32am, 9:00am, etc...To say that we got to sleep in would be an exaggeration. We did sleep in but we rarely slept.
This is actually our neighbors house but I wasn't interested in putting on shoes, jacket, etc. to go outside.

This is Nate's "snow" fort. I use the term loosely. I kept telling him it looked more like a coffin.

Nate kept begging to go outside. I decided to stretch my legs and shoveled the entire driveway, walkway, and sideway. It paid off. We are the only one in the neighborhood who has a dry driveway. Everyone else has a sheet of ice.

So this is him lying in his "coffin". We're a bit morbid over here.

Snow Angel. Nate is still a kid. Loves to play in the snow. Me? Not interested. I only wish it was safe to drive around town. I'm not going to test fate to see how the locals do with driving in this mess.


Sparks said...

It looks like you had a fun day also! I'm with you...itching to get out but scared of the drivers, not the ice/snow on the roads! LOL

Jamon, Meaghan, Molly, and David said...

Ha ha! I love Nate's snow angel! Molly tried to make one and wanted me to also. If it really snows again I'll have to get Nate to give her a snow angel lesson so I can stay warm and dry!

eNJay & B said...

glad to see you get snow in february too.

btw, nathan and william have the same coat. a good target find.