We were not afraid to ask strangers to take pictures of the whole family. It's nice to have some shots with everyone.

So Nate did start off with the backpack but that lasted for less then 5 minutes. It was pretty heavy though so...good try Nate.

At the top. What a view. The breeze felt SO good. There wasn't much air moving on the hike up.

Chris and Nate at the top.

This hike was a great workout. Plus I carried the backpack. I was sweating by the time we reached the top.

Oh Look. Stairs.

Oh Look. More stairs.

Yes, We are hammin' it up.

Chris and Nate enjoying a shaved ice. It was very refreshing after our hike up Diamond Head.

Nate LOVES all things that involve war and history. The only other person I know who ever got this excited about WWII stuff was my brother Don.

I'm steering the Missouri.

So you have to have seen Night at the Museum 2 to appreciate this shot. Nate loves those movies. Anyway, there is a part of the movie where "Thinker" strikes a pose and says Fire Power. That is what Chris is doing with those huge guns (actual guns NOT his arms). We thought it was funny. I'm not sure the other people in our tour did though. They were probably thinking....Stupid Americans.

Some of the walkways on the ship. You wouldn't want to be too tall or else you'd knock your block off.

The Memorial for the USS Oklahoma.

There is a beach on Hickham AFB where you can sit watch the planes take off from Honolulu International Airport. This was our 1st day on the island and we were still fighting off jet lag. Well, Nate and I were. Chris does just fine because he sleeps on airplanes (when he's not flying them of course).
1 comment:
What an absolutely beautiful place...I'm very jealous here but you guys totally deserved this!
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