The happy couple glad this particular race is over. With our crazy Christmas trip and staying longer then played in Seattle we didn't get a lot of outdoor training done over the holidays. Not to mention there was a temperature difference of about 40 degrees from Seattle to Louisiana. The plus side is while is was foggy and muggy it didn't rain. I hate riding bikes in the rain. The roads were pretty slick though and the 4 corners we had to take were a bit scary.

Anyone who knows Chris KNOWS that these kinds of pictures are often what I get. If I could beat him I would but I think there's something in his genetic make-up that makes him ruin the picture. He is feasting on spaghetti after the race. I can't eat afterwards or else it'd be right back up. Chris and I were able to stay together for the first run, he smoked me on the bike (his quads produce so much more torque/power then mine), and I would of made up the difference on the 2nd run if it had been a bit longer. As it was his 1 minute lead got down to 11 seconds. I wanted to catch him so bad.

I have never run after doing the bike. It wasn't a terribly enjoyable experience. I don't think my legs have ever felt so much jell-o before. I am going to say it was the 7:45 minute pace though. That makes me feel less like a wimp. If only you could have heard my breathing. I sounded like a freigh train. My HR monitor watch had died but I'm pretty sure it was pegged at about 190bpm. No worries though. We plan on doing something like this again. We never learn do we?!
way to go. i'm amazed at all the exercise/race stuff you all do. makes me feel a bit lazy in comparison.
hopefully i'll be back on the exercise wagon again. the dog-gone plantar fascitus is gone i think. but i'm still waiting a bit longer for my dog-gone tailbone to heal. trust me, it hurts when you fall down on the ice.
Way to go guys! Someday I hope to get into shape and then get my husband in shape (I must have my priorities) and then maybe we can race in your awesome shadows:P
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