Are you kidding me. This much snow in Seattle. So this is our winter wonderland that caused us so many headaches trying to get INTO Seattle. Actually, we had maintance issues on the first plane. We left about 3 hours late out of Shreveport which means we missed our connection in Houston. We were told not to expect to get out of Houston until the 26th (2days later) because every flight was overbooked. We went to Houston with the decision that if we couldn't get to Seattle we'd rent a car and get a hotel and drive to the beach. We were so lucky. We were on standby as we're waiting, waiting, waiting. Names after names are being called and people are getting on the plane. Just as they are getting ready to close they doors they call our name. We got the last 3 seats on the plane. YAHOO!!! Our own little Christmas miracle. Poor Nathan was devestated that we might not get to Seattle before Christmas. Because of these problems Continental extended our trip by 2 days w/no fees. Rock on!!!!

I have don't believe Chris' parents have EVER gotten this much snow at their house. Everything came to a stand still. No mail, newspaper, garbage, UPS, etc...

Nate was so excited for snow. He went outside 4x the first day and 3x times the second day. By Saturday he was "done" with the snow and wanting to get outside.

Snow ball fight!!!