Saturday, July 26, 2008

You found WHAT in the toliet?

I know it's hard to tell but that a Louisiana tree frog. Nathan came out of the bathroom to tell us that there was a frog in the toliet. Of course we didn't believe him at first. (Like you can make this stuff up) So I'm at work and Chris is doing two things. First, he got the camera to take the picture. Second, he got gloves to get said frog out of the toliet. While trying to extract the frog it disappeared. Seriously. We had no idea where it went. So we close the lid and a few hours later Chris comes back to check and the frog is still in the toliet. (The million dollar question is...where did it go right? No idea). Anyway, we (aka Chris) captured said frog and it was released w/out harm in our front yard. If it wasn't so creepy it'd be funny.


The Addams Family said...

Yes, that is a little creepy. Funny, but creepy!

Malisa said...

We had a discussion on the Otis meaning of "we" this weekend. That is creepy about the frog.

The Otis Family said...

Let me assure you that "we" means Chris you do it cause I don't want too.