Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

Photo Ops can't be missed.
The Asbury Pumpkin Patch

I think Nate fits in very nicely with all his Texas orange.

It was WAY too hot for the 9th of October. Someday it's going to cool down in the daytime. 92 degrees is too hot.


eNJay & B said...

cool. a pumpkin patch does sound fun. if i ever get the gumption to have a garden, i'd like to grow some pumpkins.

The Otis Family said...

Norma, I bet Utah has some really cool pumpkin patches where it's not 90 degrees outside and you can wear sweatshirts and jeans. Now that sounds like fun.

Sparks said...

I hear ya about the heat. Paige keeps asking it it's summer again! LOL (she's 6 and doesn't quite understand the order of seasons)

The Otis Family said...

Cindy, I'm almost 35 and I don't understand about the seasons down here either. I am SO ready for jeans/sweatshirts.