For some reason I decided that I would like to get back into running. It seemed like the weather was cooling down a bit and there's a half marathon in November here locally that I could run. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Chris even said he'd join me though we don't run together.
Here's what I've learned:
1. Just because I can cycle for several hours doesn't mean I can run for several hours.
2. There is going to come a point in training when you question if you have what it takes to finish your goal. I hit that big, brick wall today.
3. The weather is definitely NOT cooling down. At 7:45am this morning is was already 90+ w/heat index and not a breath of wind.
4. Watch out for dogs. Chris was bit by one today w/the owner watching and the dog on a leash. Stupid dog owner.
5. It's staying darker longer which means funky new gear to be seen by cars. Now that Nate's bus comes at 6:40am I might as well run at that time.
Here's hoping both Chris and I reach our goals and run the YMCA half marathon on November 20th.