Nate had Basketball camp that day and I was responsible for picking him up. Because I had a couple of hours to myself I decided I'd take a quick nap. I had set my alarm to make sure I was awake in time. I was having a really hard time waking up but thought I must just be really tired. As I went out to the garage (around 3pm) I was hit with the overwhelming smell of natural gas. Our hot water heater had died and the safety valve had malfunctioned pouring gas into the garage/side of the house where I was sleeping. Good thing I had a reason to get out of bed. I now realize that I was suffering was gas poisoning. Sadly, our CO2 detector had died about a year ago and I kept forgetting to replace it. We have a new one now.
I called 911 and soon had firemen and the gas man here. After a frantic phone call to Chris to get home IMMEDIATELY, (this was the first time I'd ever called and told me he had to get home NOW) we tried to assess the situation.
By 3:30pm we notice that there was water coming into the Master bedroom as well. We turned off the water from the street level (aka no flushing toliets, etc) and started to try and clean up the mess in the bedroom. We have one of those carpet cleaning vaccuums that sucks up water and we were sucking up TONS of water.
Friday was a disaster of trying to coordinate landlord, home warranty company, plumbing company, etc...Still no water though we did turn it on periodically for short periods of time. Saturday morning FINALLY at 930am (they said they'd be there at 8am and I'd receive a 30 min curtesy home call neither of which happend) the plumber arrived. He did something to stop the leaking water and while we do having water it's only cold. No new heater until Monday (we hope). I have to say I do appreciate running water though.
When we woke up Saturday morning the carpet was starting to STINK. Chris and I moved all the bedroom furniture out of the bedroom and tore up the carpet. We are now living w/bedroom furniture in the living room/dining room. To say it's a bit crowded would be an understatement.
Chris found these great furniture sliders and forearm straps that we used to move the furniture. Considering it was just Chris and I and we didn't unload any of the drawers/furniture I am most impressed.
Who knows when we get to reverse the process.