The whole crew. Kyle, Amy, Jackson, Mom, Francine, Kaye, Richard, Nate, and Chris. It was a house full.

Look at those cheeks. Oh how I loved kissing on them. Jackson is such a happy baby. I loved having him here.

Amy, Kaye, and Nate playing on the swings. On Saturday the temps were in the 80s. By Sunday it was only in the 60s.

Richard playing ball

That's definitely a Leslie look. As a kid I always stuck my tongue out when I was concentrating on something.

Hitting the ball

Kaye throwing the ball. Definitely throw like a girl. I loved playing ball. It was so much fun and felt like a real family get together.

Kyle hitting the ball out to us. The field was anything but level and I hated getting grounders because you never knew if they were going to pop up in your face.

A big swing.


Play Ball!!

Nate had lit his candles and when he blew out the match he also blew out the candles. Had to redo them again.