This is how Thursday 2/11/10 looked about 3pm. The roads were just wet but the snow was starting to accumulate. We all went to school/work/activities Thursday night. By 8pm they had shut down I-220, I-49, and Highway 3132. Those all roads I take to get to work so I cancelled all classes for Friday morning and slept in. At least until 7:30am.

This is what we woke up too Friday morning. Luckily the kids went to school ALL day Thursday even though it was snowing all day. To appreciate the irony, they had cancelled school in anticipation of an ice storm that never arrived in January but they went to school when it was actually snowing. I will never understand how it works down here. I am SO greatful they went all day Thursday. With having Friday off for snow and Monday off for President's Day that's A LONG weekend.

We really didn't have great snow clothes for Nate. We bundled him up as best we could and he did really well. We stayed outside for 1.5 hours. He did have to switch out gloves but he never complained ONCE. Miracle of all miracles. We ran around and played but I made Chris and Nate walk all over the neighborhood with me. With gyms closed you have to get exercise in however you can. Chris did have to go in to work at 10am. I'll bet he'll be home early though.

The snow was so wet and heavy that it packed really well. Made for some really hard snowballs though. I had to have a talk with both husband and child about not drilling me with the rocks aka snowballs. I am making a snowman by the way. You wouldn't imagine it but that snow was heavy and awkward.

To know the Otis family is too truely appreciate this picture. I honestly don't know WHY but all Otis men really appreciate taking "butt" pictures. I have tons of wedding photos from behind (pun intended) that my father-in-law took. This was purely retribution.

See I told you. Behind shots.

Nate warming up his arm for the snowball fight.

I think the snowman turned out pretty well. We'll be lucky if it survives past lunch though. It's already getting much warmer.