It's hard to believe that Nathan is turning 10!!! I could say that it seems like just yesterday and in some ways it does but it also seems like forever since we lived in Pensacola, FL. This young man has lived in 7 homes in his young life. We have dragged him all over creation and yet somehow he still has a smile on his face. We love you Nathan.

Opening up cards with eager anticipation

You have to celebrate the local team here.

I had asked Nathan about a month ago what he wanted to do for his birthday. I told him he could have a "friend" party OR we would give him more money as his b-day gift if we just had a small family party. About 5 days ago he informed me he wanted the money. So, since his birthday is on Monday and Chris is flying and won't be home until really late we started the celebration Saturday night. We went to Shoguns Japanese restaurant which he loved. He's a pretty adventureous eater so we're lucky there. Then, Sunday morning he opened up cards and one small gift and then after church he got another small gift.
He has counted up his money and thinks he has enough for 3-4 video games which he's pumped about. I made out like a bandit cause I didn't have to a birthday party. All I have to do is bring cupcakes to school on Monday.